A guide containing regulation concerning currency exchange and our customers:
According to the 2003 / 15 law about the prevention and hindrance of
money laundering the identification of a customer is obligatory in cases
determined in the provision of law, mainly in case of currency exchange
over 300,000 HUF, independently of the currency used by the exchange.
Please, prepare your identification documents on behalf of administration
facilitation. Customers of the currency exchange shop are obliged to
declare when exchanging or purchasing currency that the money is their
own property or somebody else's property, respectively they must
present a VPOP acknowledgement declaration, if the currency over
1 million HUF originates from abroad. When the customer refuses
to supply information, the shop may deny exchanging.
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The currency exchange shop handles the complaints arriving from customers centrally. It can answer the customer complaints within 5 days in a written form that arrived on a form made for this purpose.
When the currency exchange shop does not meet its responsibilities or it does not answer the complaints in a proper way, the customer may call upon the Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. customer service.